Welcome to OSHRC

OSHRC runs under the standards set by The Hunting Retriever Club, which is sanctioned by the United Kennel Club. We hold many events throughout the year which include training days, training seminars, hunt tests, picnics, clay shoots, and informal training groups.
Do not miss out on the fun! Come join us at our next event.
A trained retriever is the best conservation tool!
Contact an Officer or Board Member
Ben Bice: biceben@gmail.com
Bill Bouthillier: wjbouthillier@hotmail.com
Alvin Rains: al@barrowbodyshop.com
Marcus Bice (Immediate Past President): mhbice@aol.com
Turner Moshell: wtmoshell@yahoo.com
Jerry Tarlton: jerrytarlton@bellsouth.net
Montana Bahry: montanabahry@gmail.com
Renee Archer – President: alicerenee62@gmail.com
Scot Norman – Vice President: scot.norman64@gmail.com
Mike Greer – Treasurer: mikedgreer@gmail.com
Mary Mitchell – Club & Hunt Test Secretary: maryatoldsouth@gmail.com